Web: tacticaltech.org/team/
Daisy Kidd is Project Lead for the Youth and Technology project at Tactical Tech, a Berlin-based NGO that investigates the evolving impact of technology on society. Tactical Tech is a non-profit organization at the intersection of technology, human rights, and civil liberties.
Daisy Kidd ist Projektleiterin für das Jugend- und Technologieprojekt bei Tactical Tech, einer in Berlin ansässigen NGO, die die sich entwickelnden Auswirkungen von Technologie auf die Gesellschaft untersucht. Tactical Tech ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation an der Schnittstelle von Technologie, Menschenrechten und bürgerlichen Freiheiten.
Interview in English / Interview auf Englisch
Interview’s summary
Daisy talks about creating awareness towards digital rights and data ownership. She talks about several projects with the NGO Tactical Tech which create accessible tools for educators with open access guides and workshops concerning digital wellbeing and cybersecurity among other issues. She talks also about self-learning guides such as Data Detox X Youth Kit, created to stimulate the engagement and knowledge of the youngster among us regarding digital empowerment.
Minutes – Questions:
00:15 Min – Can you share with us what drew you to work and explore the topics of digital rights and data ownership?
04:29 Min. – What are the prospects and hopes related to Tactical Tech’s recent projects?
09:49 Min. – The DATA DETOX X YOUTH KIT is a really nice interactive way to bring some algorithmic literacy to the youngsters. Do you defend that these matters should now be part of the normal school curriculum? Or you rather defend strictly regulations by the governments in this regard?
14:43 Min. – What would you say is the appropriate age to start learning some algorithmic literacy and its ethical aspects?
18:34 Min. – So, what can artists/art educators as part of civil society contribute to a balanced, more conscious use of data
24: 50 Min. – What would be your personal advice here when it comes to using live streaming services?
26:30 Min. – As one of the developers, would you please give an overview of the DATA DETOX X YOUTH KIT project?
#digitalrights, #dataownership, #digitalempowerment, #ressourcesforteachers, #pedagogicalprojects, #datadetox, #detoxxyouthkitt, #homeschooling, #digitalweelbeing, tacticaltech, #ukprotest, #studentssurveillance, #youngpeopleengagement,#privacyconsiderations, #cybersecurity, #technologyconcerns, #educatorsguides, #opensourcecode
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Due to the pandemic, interviews were conducted via online conference sessions, using the best possible technical settings available at the time. Some latency and freezes were cut out. Aufgrund der Pandemie wurden die Interviews über Online-Konferenzsitzungen geführt, unter Verwendung der bestmöglichen technischen Einstellungen, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt verfügbar waren.Einige Latenzen und Freezes wurden herausgeschnitten.